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Design online meetings and workshops

Building an impactful gathering through Facilitation Blueprinting.

Meetings & Workshops
Identify ways to create engaging engagements happens live and asynchronously
Learn a repeatable collaborative process for prototyping gatherings
Design an engaging, meaningful prototype virtual gathering

Modeling a “virtual birthday party,” Ryann Hoffman, Founding Partner of Staircase Strategy, leads members of the MURAL community through collaboratively developing an impactful virtual gathering. Participants quickly connect, using icons, shapes, sketching, and image search features to share their personalities before diving into Facilitation Blueprinting, which allows users to model and test a prototype virtual gathering. Ryann and the MURAL panelists use sticky notes during the ideation process and play with the voting feature to develop the perfect timeline. The session closes with a look at a sample virtual workshop to illustrate how the Blueprinting process can help make big ideas more granular and actionable.

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