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Design for a visual flow

Draw attention to the key areas of your mural and keep them in place.

Create a clear hierarchy for your template
Keep content in place before you publish the template

Creating visual flow

Remember we mentioned that visual hierarchy in your template? Now, you can incorporate color, text, and numbers to highlight the key sections and make it easy for participants to follow.

Locking content

When MURAL members create a template, they can begin to edit the mural for their session. You can help your fellow facilitators by locking any content you do not believe needs to be moved and changed. This also notes to any MURAL member what parts of the mural are interactive and what is meant to be core to the template design.

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(upbeat music)

Okay, so now we have something that actually starts looking pretty much like a template. We're going to do a couple of final tricks just to clean this up a little bit. Let's make the titles a little bit larger. Let's also make sure that they're all aligned. Let's also add some numbers here so that it is easy to follow the activity. 

So in order to create the numbers I'm going to use the circle shapes here. So the reason why I like to use the shapes for the numbers is that with the shapes you can define both what the fill color should be but it can also decide what the color of the letters should be so I can make them look nice and transparent like this. 

Then we're going to duplicate the number. We're going to add a number here as well. Something else you can do as well is to give each of the sections a different color. When you're manipulating the session the colors can also help you. And the participants navigate easily between the different activities. So instead of just saying, "Okay, let's go to the roast thorn bud activity." You can also now say that let's go to the second activity, the green one and complete those steps together. 

I also want to add something behind the housekeeping section here to the left. A second visit to take one of these shapes again. I'm going to make the shape dark green. Let's remove the border as well. We might also want to add a logo. So here you have an image search where you can find almost any image on the web. So I can just go ahead and drop this into my templates so it's also branded as well. 

Before sharing your templates with anyone make sure that you go through and lock everything to the background. So, you probably want to lock all the elements that you don't want people to interact with but make sure to leave all the sticky notes unlocked. Second, just go ahead and select everything that I don't want to look at in the back of this mural. And then I can lock everything to the background. So this way people can go in and interact with your template but without moving anything by accident. This is super important to remember.