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Add, create and customize sticky notes

The original visual collaboration object goes digital.

Different ways to add notes to murals
Resize sticky notes

Why use sticky notes?

If you’re brand new to the world of visual work, then sticky notes are a great introduction. They allow you to quickly organize your thoughts and ideas. Use sticky notes to categorize, color code, and show connections between concepts. You can add sticky notes in two ways: shortcuts or from the toolbar.

Add sticky notes with shortcuts

To add a sticky note directly to the canvas, double-click the location where you want the sticky note to land. Once you’ve added your first note, you can use the tab key to quickly add more notes in the mural.

Add sticky notes from the toolbar

MURAL also has a variety of sticky notes in the toolbar. To add a sticky note:

  1. Click the sticky note icon in the left toolbar. This opens the sticky note options menu.
  2. Once you select your sticky note, click and drag the sticky note onto the mural.

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Hey there. I'm Hailey Temple, and whether you love or hate sticky notes, you have to admit they are handy when you're organizing lots of information and making sense of your work, especially online.

Now, let me show you a few ways to add sticky notes to a mural. One way is on the toolbar over here. So this first icon looks like a sticky note, and it's where our sticky notes live. When you click that icon, you get a menu of options. So I can add them from different shapes and some default colors. Once you make that selection, you click, hold it, and drag it on to where you want it to go on your canvas.

Now, think of this sticky note here as kind of the standard-sized sticky note you might see when you're collaborating in person. So I do not recommend trying to make this sticky note bigger or smaller. Just keep it as is and use the navigation to zoom in and out.

So another way to add a sticky note is simply to double-click on the canvas. When you do, MURAL will recognize other sticky notes nearby and adapt that same color and shape. Now you can start adding in your ideas on sticky notes, moving them around as you need, and color coding to your heart's content. Happy collaborating and creating in MURAL.